Who to Contact When

  • Please check our Contact page if you are unsure who to contact in certain situations.
  • Email is the easiest way to contact our board or committee members.
  • If you notice any issues regarding the clubhouse, such as cleaning, lights, plumbing, etc., the email address mentioned above is the best way to contact our House Captain.
  • We have one paid employee, Renee McGettigan, our Office & Facility Manager. We recently changed the job title from administrator to reflect the role better and avoid confusion with the Director of Administration. Renee’s email is [email protected].  Please email if you would like to book the clubhouse for a function or meeting. Our Office & Facility Manager can help you with entry fobs, shed keys and lock issues, payments, work in our bar, gym membership and lost property.
  • Our Shop and Merchandise Manager is Nicole Fasseau. Email: [email protected].
  • Also, since our Constitution and Regulations changed recently, some new titles might need to be translated.
New Title
Previous Title
Example of Responsibilities
(Guyren Smith)
President Honours and Building Committees, Judiciary
Deputy President
(Rebecca Capell)
Deputy President Assists the President
Director of Administration
(Rod Stevens)
Hon. Secretary Clubhouse maintenance, Communications
Director of Finance
(Jeremy Paul)
Hon. Treasurer Finance, Sponsorship and Marketing
Director of Lifesaving
(Matt Edwards)
Club Captain Patrol Uniforms, Patrol roster, Patrol swaps, Competition patrol hours
Director of Education
(Jess Menzies)
Chief Instructor Skills maintenance and other SLS Awards
Director of Surf Sports
(Darren Warrener)
Competition Organiser Carnival entries, Training groups
Director of Youth
(Adam Willis, Adam Gaffeney and Stewart Dean)
Nipper Chairman Nippers and all members aged under 18, Age Managers
Director of Member Services
(Janet Dunn)
Janet’s team includes the Registrar, Youth Development Officer, Social Events Manager, Member Protection Information Officer and the Honorary Legal Officer Member Welfare