Our Nippers compete both on the beach and in the water, with the support of our amazing coaches, water safety and officials (all parents of the competition group)
Nipper Programmes
Water Training Programme
We are excited to announce that our already strong training programme will again be run this season by Isaac Smith with support from Tayla Tullett and Sam Capell and the Newport Kinghorn Surf Racing Academy. Our principles are about inclusion, and providing the training opportunities to help all our Nippers, new and old, to achieve to their potential. If your kids are new to competition, we’d love to meet you and introduce you to our programme.
Training session information is posted in Team App so check there for current information, but generally include Tuesdays at 4:30 pm Winnererremy Bay, Thursdays 4:30 pm, Saturdays 9 am at Newport Beach. These sessions are for Under 9s and above.
For children to compete at any carnival they need to pass the competition proficiency which is undertaken by our head coach. Along with attending a minimum of two board training sessions a week. All competitors are expected to attend local carnivals before taking on Branch or state.
Beginner Board Session
For Nippers that are aged 8 and above and are keen to learn navigate a board in the surf you are welcome to come to this session with Sam Capell:
- Sunday mornings 8 am – 9 am
As with the Water Programme, updates are posted through Team App and location and times can vary so checking the Team App for current information is always best. This is a wonderful opportunity for all Nippers in the U8s and above.
Draft Carnival Timetable for this Season
A draft of the carnival timetable for this season can be found here. Please note this is a live document and is still being updated by SNB Branch.
Further Resources
We use Team App to communicate with our Competition Group. This is an excellent ‘real time’ resource containing details of upcoming carnivals, competition news, results, photos and copies of key documents. Please download the app and request access via the App – if you’re new to paddling then Developing Paddlers is the best access group to start in, or if you’re interested in beach training, then Beach Competitors is the best access group. Please download the app and request access to the Newport Surf Club via the App. If you already have access, you can also view the Team App online.
Carnival Entries
Entries can be submitted by using Newport Surf Club’s Team App.
Supporting Our Nippers Programme
Parental support is required to make this programme succeed. We ask that at least one parent in every competition family lend us regular support at carnivals and training. You do not need to be Bronze qualified to help (only required if doing water safety). Parents without their Bronze can do their Level 1 Officials Course. Being an official does not require you to get wet or acquire any water skills.
Speak to us and we can help point you in the right direction to be able to help out.
Upcoming Courses
Check out the Education + Lifesaving area of the website for upcoming Bronze or Officials’ courses – and we will post some updates about current courses on TeamApp as well when applicable.
Competition Management Team
Volunteers make up our Nippers Competition Management Team: This team act with the backing of the Nipper Committee in the decision making and running of our Nipper Competition Team. Any requests or decisions made by the Competition Management Team are backed by the Nipper Committee.
Please remember that carnivals can only run with the support of parents and guardians of our Nippers. If you would like your child to compete for Newport then your continued assistance with water safety, officiating and gear transport is needed.
Questions and Queries
Any questions relating to competition should be directed to our Competition Development Manager, Laurellen Symmonds.